Tuesday, 31 October 2017

camp photos

the comidian comilians. staring Kayden Davies and Nathan Whiteman and Max Burberry tickets on sale now.

passtion class

On midle block on monday and after lunch on tuesday and wednesday. we dont have it on thursday and friday because tech arts. my passtion class is codeing with Mr Walker what we do is is make video game on scratch. My game is crash landing where there is a robot named nic nak he crash lands on a ailen planet and has to bomb shot his way to the forbiden abandond palece where he can get parts for his ship and fly back to planet4173.                                                                    

Friday, 27 October 2017



maths:in maths this week we have been doing math questions only one a day but on friday we dont do one because we have spelling we also have been doing a decimal work sheet i havent finished it yet because i started it last.

reading:we havent done reading yet we have been doing must do can do.

inquiry:we havent done inquiry yet.

writting: for writting well the hole must do can do set up was mostly writting anyway we did thank you letters for camp to the pearents i did mine to Lilas dad Julian sorry if i spellt it wrong